Dearest Maddie,
Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for your recovery! Just nine months ago you were very sick, you've been through so much...two big operations, special treatments called radiation, and special medicines called chemotherapy. The most important ingredient in your recovery is prayer. Daddy, Mommy, Josie, Grandpa and I, Grandpa Jim and Grandma Vicky, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, friends, and strangers all over the world fell on our knees begging God to heal you and bless you with a full and uncomplicated recovery.
Maddie, life can be complicated. Sometimes people have short memories and the things that are most important in a crisis falls to the background when life gets back to "normal". This note is a great example, a few months ago, I was writing to you all the time. As you improved, many of us returned to our "normal" routines. As a result, although I meant to write, I didn't, I got involved with other things and writing was something I "meant" to do.