Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Celebrating 5 Years of Miracles..

Dearest Maddie,
How could it be 5 years since you were diagnosed with a rare pediatric cancer that rocked our world! By God's grace, you are our miracle! You are a healthy, spirited, spunky, brilliant, lovely, and loving 5 ½ year old! 

My heart was shattered five years ago when I learned of your devastating diagnosis. That said, I praise and thank God for the miracles He has performed in your life and for the gifts He continues to bestow upon you.
Lots has happened since that fateful night five years ago! God surrounded you with His Angels and Saints, He brought you the finest medical experts who were kind, and compassionate. Thanks to God’s grace and mercy, YOU are healthy! God blessed you with good test results and follow up visits to Hopkins revealing that you are healthy. Every family member, friend, colleague, and neighbor stormed heaven with prayers, pleading and bargaining with God to heal you! Each visit to Hopkins brought anxiety, God blessed each visit and answered every single prayer offered for you.