Dearest, precious, Maddie,
You're on the home stretch, your final Chemo treatment is scheduled for August 25th, nine days from today! 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, FINISHED, yeah!! We can't wait! Mommy & Daddy, and Josie, Grandpa, your Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, everyone who loves you, and I, are thrilled this portion of your journey is nearly over! Many family, friends, and strangers around the world are deeply moved by your courageous fight and are storming heaven with prayers. God is hearing and answering each prayer. We are very blessed!
You are a blessing! Did you know you're also a celebrity? You were on TV! Your photos and your story were featured on the TV news. Your Mommy & Daddy's friends planned a big party to raise awareness about Wilms Tumor, that's what caused you to be so sick. You're a celebrity, you should milk it for all it's worth. You probably need an agent, that's a person who plans your public appearances and events. We can talk later about who should be your agent, I have an idea. Now that you're a star, your signature is very valuable, as is everything you touch. You could have your own fashion line!