Dearest, precious, Maddie,
You're on the home stretch, your final Chemo treatment is scheduled for August 25th, nine days from today! 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, FINISHED, yeah!! We can't wait! Mommy & Daddy, and Josie, Grandpa, your Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, everyone who loves you, and I, are thrilled this portion of your journey is nearly over! Many family, friends, and strangers around the world are deeply moved by your courageous fight and are storming heaven with prayers. God is hearing and answering each prayer. We are very blessed!
You are a blessing! Did you know you're also a celebrity? You were on TV! Your photos and your story were featured on the TV news. Your Mommy & Daddy's friends planned a big party to raise awareness about Wilms Tumor, that's what caused you to be so sick. You're a celebrity, you should milk it for all it's worth. You probably need an agent, that's a person who plans your public appearances and events. We can talk later about who should be your agent, I have an idea. Now that you're a star, your signature is very valuable, as is everything you touch. You could have your own fashion line!
While Mommy & Daddy gathered with family and friends to honor you last Saturday, you and Josie had a sleepover with Grandpa and me. Did we have fun! Guess what you ate? Well you had all kinds of healthy food: flounder, veggies, etc. for dinner Saturday night, but it was dessert that made the news...your first chocolate dipped ice cream pop. You loved it! Your special treat was our private celebration in advance of the family Birthdays and Anniversaries that were being celebrated the next day, but you couldn't attend because of your Chemo. Before long you'll be at our gatherings and parties, the center of attention, your rightful place. We can't wait!
I am literally counting the days until your treatment is complete. I thank God for the gift you are, the lessons I learned from you, and the inspiration you are to me! Always know that your journey has occurred for a very special, specific reason. God allowed you to endure this experience for reasons He will reveal to you in time. In the meantime, He is drenching you in love. Remember that...you are drenched in love!
You will be asked to drench others in love, sometimes it will be a piece of cake, other times it will be really hard. You'll have times when you are devastated because people let you down, hurt you, are mean, lie about you, or are unloving. It's normal to be upset, don't get discouraged, you're in very good company. One of Jesus' 12 closest friends, His Apostle Judas, betrayed Him. Jesus wants us to forgive, even when it hurts and we don't want to. Jesus tells us we should turn the other cheek and forgive 70 times 7. 70 times 7, that's a lot of forgiving for hurt that can pierce our heart. The question isn't why should we forgive, the question is how can we not? Jesus endured the most excruciating torture at the hands of those who lied about Him. Guess what Jesus did? He asked His Father, our Father in Heaven, to forgive them. Jesus modeled what we are supposed to do, oh it's not easy, but forgiving frees you to love, harboring bad feelings, hatred, disdain, these are not from God. You can tell when people behave the way God wants by the fruits of the Holy Spirit "...Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, self-control, and gentleness." Galatians 5:22 It's not always going to be easy to be a good Catholic Christian, Maddie. There's Good News! God laid out all that He wants for us in the most important book you'll ever read, the Bible, and in our Catechism. Make them your friend. Make Jesus your friend, as you get older and receive the Sacraments, receive them frequently, God's grace, healing, and counsel is revealed in the Sacraments. Our Sacraments will help you to stay close to God and on the right path.
Why do I share this with you? God blessed you with a gift that has already and will continue to bring people to Him. As you continue on the Mission He has for you alone, you will come under attack. We'll talk about that when you're older. People are human, they will blame you, for things you did not do, they already have. In the years to come, as you learn details of this horrific journey, it could be easy to feel frustrated, angry, and bitter. Don't give in to these temptations, don't harden your beautiful heart and spirit. Lift your eyes, heart, and mind towards God. Thank Him for His healing grace and forgive those who harm you. He will carry you through, He already has, He will never let you down!
God filled you with His grace in your darkest hours and gave you the fortitude to take on the battle of your life. I can only imagine the magnificent plans God has for you!
I can't wait for you to come safely across that home stretch...to take you out to play, to Church, and so much more!
I love you, precious, Madeline!
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