Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Graduation Day: Official Survivor!

Dearest Maddie,
Do you know what today, August 10, 2016, is? Today is your Graduation Day! Graduation Day is very special for every graduate, that is a person who finishes one thing, usually school or something else they've worked hard to achieve. Today is YOUR Graduation Day to an Official Survivor! Your Daddy, Mommy, Josie, Grandpas, Grandma Vickie, your Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, friends of your family, total strangers from across the world joined in prayer for you! We ALL asked God to heal you and for you to beat that nasty cancer that showed its ugly head more than five (5) years ago.
God is ever faithful, HE heard and answered every prayer! So, today, we celebrate your Graduation Day and we remember to thank and praise our loving, faithful, merciful God.

YOU, Miss Maddie are a treasure more precious than the most priceless gem or jewel.

Did you know that God called you by name to be a witness to HIS love, grace, and mercy? Did you know that Pope Francis declared this a Jubilee Year of Mercy? Do you know that God shares HIS mercy with us, even though we don't deserve it and could never earn it. HE loves us that much!

My eyes are so welled up I can barely write this note. Why? You know me, Maddie, I am not a "Crier", but I can't hold back the depth of my gratitude. We stormed Heaven with prayers and Our Lord healed you and His Blessed Mother, Mary, interceded for you. Do you know what that means, Maddie, that Mary "Interceded" for you? Mary, is Jesus's Mommy, and our Mother in Heaven. We ask God for help. We also ask Mary for her help, just like you ask your Daddy and Mommy for help.

You are confident, smart, sassy, gorgeous inside and out, sensitive, kind, and oh so loving! God gave you these gifts, HE has plans for you to use them. He will show you His plans, when He's ready. In the meantime, your radiant smile, grace, bravery, and tenderness reflect God's love. Like God and Mary, our Mother in Heaven, you have the power to share God's love in your kind and loving acts.

Finally, Maddie, as you get older, the world will tell you that God is not important, that it's not important to go to Church. They are WRONG! Going to Church is important, it's an important way to worship and visit with God, not just on Sundays, you can go any day, in fact, you can go everyday!

Remember, God created you, Called you by name, and carried you through an horrific journey to share the miracle of your story! Share your story proudly...always give God the Glory!

You could never imagine the depth of my love for you, dearest Madeline, my heart is bursting with love! Remember, my love is only a shadow or a fraction of God's love for you! Isn't that awesome?

Congratulations on your Graduation Day, Maddie! May God continue to bless, guide, and protect you, my precious Granddaughter !

With a Heart bursting with love and gratitude!

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