So it's been a little while since I wrote, not for lack of interest, sometimes life gets complicated. You know a few things about that, don't you, Maddie?!
So, let's catch up...did you know that two days ago was the four month anniversary of your first major surgery? These four months flew by...NOT!! Some days seemed like years. I can't fathom what they were like for you, or your Mommy and Daddy, and Josie! Your big sister, Josie, has been very brave during all that's gone on. Your world, and hers, were toppled!
Maddie, your resilience and determination are inspiring! You are a constant example of God's love and fidelity. Every time I see your radiant smile, reflect upon your horrific journey, or try to comprehend your remarkable progress despite the obstacles encountered, I am rendered speechless. Trust me Maddie, all who know me will attest...speechless is not in my vocabulary!
P.S. Maddie, you have a BIG Birthday coming up. Think about what you'd like for your Birthday. This is a good time to talk to Uncle Joey about that pony. Don't let him fool you...he's got lots of room; he can keep your pony at his house! Remember...your charming and dynamic, people are drawn to you! If all else fails, bat your gorgeous eyes, he won't know what hit him! More coaching to come...
You possess a rare grace and spirituality-truly a gift from God. HE has a unique plan for you, one only you can achieve! Don't be surprised if you're the one who finds solutions to the world's most challenging societal problems, like world peace, or bridging divides caused by race, creed, or other human frailties. Maybe you'll be the one to cure cancer or other diseases. Many of my friends think you'll be President of the United States. Nothing is impossible for you Maddie, you're strong and have proven nothing will keep you down!
Why do I share this? Because you, are destined to do great things! You have stared down a rare pediatric cancer and many subsequent horrific experiences. You didn't flinch, oh you suffered...how you suffered!! Your stamina and determination never faltered! It's as if you had your eye on the BIG picture even when we grownups quivered in our boots! In your short life, you have pierced the coldness of fear, transcended the terror of a devastating diagnosis, gathered the masses, and brought scores of friends and strangers all across the world to their knees in prayer. It's probable that your illness brought some to their knees for the first time ever. Maddie, you are bringing people to God, very few people can say that. Priests, Rabbis, Ministers, Imams, religious leaders across denominational lines try to do this, some succeed, others never know if they did. I personally know individuals who have come to God because of you...powerful! You are innocent and refreshing, like a cool drink of pure spring water that refreshes deep within on a scorching summer day. Your innocence and dynamic personality reveal God's presence. Yes, at your tender age, you are dynamic; people are drawn to you, and through you, to God.
Thank you for the lessons you've taught me. Thank you for reminding me of the power and importance of the Sacramental - Holy Water. You are a picture of grace, resilience, faith, love, a rare spirituality, and all that is promising in our world!
You inspire me, Maddie, thank you for reflecting God's love so unmistakably!
I love you, precious!
P.S. Maddie, you have a BIG Birthday coming up. Think about what you'd like for your Birthday. This is a good time to talk to Uncle Joey about that pony. Don't let him fool you...he's got lots of room; he can keep your pony at his house! Remember...your charming and dynamic, people are drawn to you! If all else fails, bat your gorgeous eyes, he won't know what hit him! More coaching to come...
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