Dearest Maddie,
A little more than two weeks ago our country celebrated it's 235th Birthday! Pretty old, huh? Our country was born July 4th, 1776. Every year people all over the country celebrate our nation's birthday with lots of fun stuff - parades, picnics, barbecues, fireworks, and lots more!
Exactly one week later, on July 11th, we celebrated your 1st Birthday! A very BIG event for our family. You've been through an awful lot in this past year Maddie. God created you and has a very special Mission, a plan, that only you can do! That's right, Maddie, only you can do the special work God has in mind for you. Who would think HE would have put you to work so soon? Really, you hadn't even made your journey into this world and you were already stealing hearts. Then, finally, that wonderful day, July 11, 2010 came when you made your graceful debut into this marvelous world.
Guess what? You look like yourself, although you bear a strong resemblance to your Daddy. You entertain all of us with you charming smile and silly laugh. You were busy doing all of the important things babies do when suddenly your world, and your entire family's, world fell apart. A new normal was to begin, as you fought a battle of a lifetime. And fight you did, tooth (even toothless) and nail! Your stamina, grace, and incredible determination served you very well as you took Wilms Tumor head on! Later this summer you will complete your treatments to beat this nasty tumor.
Back to your birthday...you had a blast! Your party was small because you can't be around lots of people while you're getting special medicine to make you well. So, Mommy & Daddy planned a very small party this year. I think there's a blow out party being planned after you finish your treatments! YAHOO!!! Remember my early post, we Smiths LOVE to party!!!
Let me tell you about your party...You played with toys, read books, modeled a new wardrobe, and of course ate cake! Guess what else? You wore your cake! That's right. You started a new fashion trend - a cake icing facial mask, your skin glowed! You, Josie, your Mommy & Daddy, Aunt Beth, Grandpa, and I had fun playing and enjoying the precious gift of your 1st Birthday, which dearest Maddie, not one person in our entire family takes for granted!
Guess who else has a birthday soon? Daddy! That's right, your Daddy's birthday is July 25th! I know the best gift he can get is for you to be healthy! We don't need to talk about how old he'll be...some things are best left unsaid.
As we continue through July and the summer we have lots of other birthday's. Your cousin Stephen, or as Josie calls him, Stevie, birthday is July 31, Aunt Lauren's is August 1st and the list goes on and on. So do the parties! We can't wait for you to join in all of our parties. We're almost there's just a few more months and you can be at all of our parties and celebrations!
Maddie, your breathless charm sweeps me off my feet and your laugh tickles my heart! You are precious to me and I praise God for the gift you are and for the many miracles HE is performing in and through you, Maddie!
Happy 1st Birthday, Maddie. I can't wait to celebrate many, many more birthdays in celebration of the gift of your life! I love you, precious!
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