Monday, February 28, 2011

Maddie, have you read Pride & Prejudice?

Dear Maddie,

So after I got home last night I was able to catch the end of the Oscars. No, not about the little green guy who lives in a trash can. It's a big night in Hollywood where all the famous people dress up and give out gold statues, yes it's a silly thing to do, but I digress...

Well, spoiler alert here, but Colin Firth won the Best Actor award this year. Who's he, you ask? OMG! How do you not know?!?! Well Miss Maddie, Colin Firth is a British actor who apparently this past year was in a movie about King George VI during WWII, blah blah blah. But what you really need to know about him is that he also acted in the BBC/A&E version of Pride & Prejudice! He was the dashing Mr. Darcy! Who's that? Oh just one of the most romantic characters in all of literature. You'll find out one day dear Maddie. Maybe soon! Perhaps I'll have to bring my copy to start reading to you! But in any case, when you're older, you'll read this wonderful Jane Austen novel and we will have a girls' night and watch the 5 hour long version with Colin Firth playing Mr. Darcy, and you will fall in love with it! I promise!

I can't wait! We'll have the cutest little crushes on Mr. Darcy! Well, yours will be cute, mine might not be so cute by then. :P In the meantime, I'll be teaching you about Pride & Prejudice and Mr. Darcy. And I can already tell by your sassy personality that you'll be very much like Miss Elizabeth Bennet!

I love you!
Aunt Beth

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