Dear Maddie,
Jesus Christ is Risen today...Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! These are lyrics to a song Christians all around the world sing today as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, our Savior. Alleluia is a song of praise to God.
You celebrated your first Easter today. It isn't a good idea for you to be in crowds, so you couldn't go to Mass or celebrate in our traditional family Easter celebrations. How we missed you...our hearts broke that you couldn't join our family celebrations, but Grandpa and I were thrilled to visit you this morning!
Here's what you should know about Easter...this is the holiest of all holy days in our Christian tradition. We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus today! Churches welcome new members during Easter Vigil Masses all around the world and Christians everywhere celebrate and praise the Son of God, Jesus Christ, in whom we have Salvation.
While it's true that Easter is noted for Easter baskets, Easter bunnies, Easter lilies, Easter outfits (like the ones you and Josie are wearing in the photo), these are symbols of new life, which is the promise of our Risen Savior. He has Risen, Alleluia! These will become familiar words as you get older. In the meantime, know that Jesus is your friend. HE loves you very much and you are precious to HIM!
This incredible journey of yours began less than one week before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent which is marked by 40 days of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Almsgiving is a big word for giving to the needy. You should know that the needy sometimes are financially poor, but there are many who have material wealth and are very needy. We call them poor in spirit, it's important that we reach out to them, too.
This Lenten season has been marked by an incredible journey for you. God is so good! Your progress and recovery, so far, is nothing short of miraculous. HE surrounded you with HIS grace, healing, and peace. You are surrounded by HIS angels who are carrying you through the darkness of your illness. God carries each of us through dark days. HE is the Light of the World. God lights up each day by the power of HIS Holy Spirit! Our faith Calls us to take up our Cross and follow Christ and also to be Light for the World. Well, Miss Maddie, you are well on your way to Discipleship! You have taken up your Cross. Your smile reflects the Light of Christ and your grace radiates HIS promise and hope. God is glorified by your grace as you carry your Cross. I believe God will use your experience to bring unbelievers to HIM.
As an Easter people, we celebrate the hope and promise of the Resurrection and our salvation!
Happy Easter Maddie...I love you, precious!
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