Dear sweet, sweet, Maddie,
Can you feel the warmth of your Guardian Angel and St. Michael the Archangel surrounding you? St. Michael summoned all of Heaven’s angels to guard you through this awful ordeal. They’ve encased your room in a brilliant heavenly gold shield to protect you. Angels cover every corner, every inch of the walls, ceilings, and floors in your room, and everywhere you travel. They're radiating Christ's healing light directly upon you.
You’ve been through an awful lot and you’ve endured several bumps along the way, but don’t be afraid! You are going to be fine, princess! God is healing you. You will grow up to be a beautiful, strong, lady of faith praising God for HIS healing mercy and grace. You and your Mommy & Daddy are being tested right now. Everyone who is faithful to God has their faith tested, gosh, even Jesus was tested!
About 600 years ago, St. Teresa of Avila was complaining to her best Friend, God, about her trials. Jesus told her, "Teresa, that's how I treat my friends". Guess how St. Teresa answered God..."If that’s how you treat your friends, no wonder you have so few!" She decided that if Christ has only few friends, they should be good ones; this inspired St. Teresa to help her order of Carmelite sisters become even better. As I reflect upon your trials, I know you and Jesus are special friends!
Guess what else St. Teresa said…”Prayer is an act of love, words are not needed." St. Teresa is right, your Mommy, Daddy, your family, and friends are drenching you in love! Words are not needed and none are sufficient to share the depth of love I see in your Mommy & Daddy’s eyes. Their love is evident in every prayer and action - as they cradle you, console you with their tender words, softly stroke you, and talk with doctors about helping you recover. You’re very blessed to have your Mommy & Daddy!
Maddie, my heart is shattered, I feel so helpless. But one thing grandpa and I can do is drench you, Mommy, Daddy and Josie in our love and prayers!
God told St. Teresa to talk to angels. HE sent you the top angel, St. Michael to protect you. I'm talking to St. Michael, your Guardian Angel, and all of the angels, after all God surrounded you with them! I think you should talk with the angels, too!
I love you, precious Maddie!
God bless you all, you are in my prayers daily. Susan Waters Black