Dearest Madeline,
It's odd to me that I didn't see you today! But after short (well, shortish at least) visits every day this week, I figured you could use a break from me, and some time to get some real rest. Plus, to be honest, Aunt Beth has let some things in her home go by the wayside... who needs clean clothes to wear? who needs food to eat? what is that stench, oops full garbage cans! But let me tell you, I would rather spend time with you than taking care of all those mundane chores around home.
I had so much fun yesterday! Uncle Bryan and I took your big sister Josie out for some adventures! We went to the playground and ran around like crazy! Then we went to the mall and met the Cat in the Hat! We then had some lunch at McDonald's and ended our adventure with a trip the "blue store" which I'm sure you already know is Wal-Mart, but took Uncle Bryan and I a few moments to figure out. :) I can't wait until you are big enough to go on adventures with us too!! After our adventures with your big sister, we got to come see you for a little bit! And you did seem to be feeling better than the night before. I even was able to get you to give me that great Maddie smile!! It was so great to see you smiling again!
So, if I didn't come to see you and I didn't have adventures with Josie, what did I do today? Hm, well, I picked up a bridesmaid dress (yes, you'll find out about these several years from now, and yes, they are expensive and worn once), I went to the library, I went grocery shopping, I did some laundry, and I went to Mass. Today's readings and hymns were particularly meaningful for me today Miss Maddie. The responsorial psalm was Psalm 31, about God being "my rock and my fortress." Well, that's exactly what He is dear Maddie! All of us who love you so very much are leaning on God right now. We know that God will bring you through this whole thing and you'll be healthy and happy!
Also, you'll come to find out that I like Mass to be a bit more traditional, but today the contemporary choir was singing and they were wonderful. I was very glad to have them there, they sang a beautiful version of the song "Better than a Hallelujah." It was the first time I've heard this song, and I'm in love with it (but not as much as I'm in love with you!) The song reminded me that God takes us as we are, he wants to know who you really are, in the good times, but also in the not-so-good times. God wants to hear from you all of the time. Talk to Him when you're happy, talk to Him when you're sad, talk to Him when you're mad. God will always be there to hear your prayers. Always remember Maddie, that God loves you and so do Mommy and Daddy! And Josie and all the rest of the crazy Smith and Zukiewicz families!
Madeline, you are so very precious to us all. And we're all praying so much that you are feeling better soon!! I can't wait to see your smiling face again soon! To me, your smile is better than a Hallelujah! I love you to the moon and back!
Love and kisses,
Aunt Beth
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