Sunday, March 13, 2011

Singing to Sweet Madeline

Dearest Maddie,

I truly am blessed to have you in my life. You are such an amazing little girl, I can't believe the fire and fight that you've exhibited during the past few weeks! There have been some very rough times and you've shown us that you are going to keep on fighting! There also have been some very sweet and tender times. Those are to be cherished always.

After work on Thursday I came to see you and though you were uncomfortable, you and I discovered the coolest game ever!! Peekaboo!! You were in your mom's arms and I stood behind mommy, stooping low and then popping up to find you! The smiles were abundant and so heartwarming! I was so glad that I was able to get those smiles and entertain you for a short while. On Friday, I came to visit you after work again. It had been a BIG day for you, your first dose of chemo and first course of radiation. You were wiped out, and deservedly so. It appeared the only thing that would soothe you was to be in your dad or mom's arms. No one else would do, and who could blame you for feeling that way?!

Well, mommy wasn't there at the time and daddy needed a short break to eat and make some calls. Knowing I was a poor substitute, I stepped up for duty, expecting to not be able to soothe you at all. And yes, you didn't want anything to do with me for a while. But then, I remembered our Bob Marley time the previous week. So I started singing "Three Little Birds" to you again. Almost immediately, you were calm, and even comfortable enough to lay your head against me to rest. I continued to sing to you like this for several minutes. I'm sorry that the song doesn't have more lyrics than it does, it did get kind of repetitive, didn't it? But I would've stood there all night, holding you, swaying, and singing Bob Marley to make you comfortable. When dad came back, you woke up again, needing to see the action! I told dad about our song, and I don't think he really believed me, that the song helped to make you comfortable, but you and I know the truth, it's okay if it is our little secret.

This afternoon, Uncle Bryan and I visited for a while. Despite lots of upset tummy problems, you were in good spirits and enjoyed some great play time! We didn't have much chance for our singing, but next time dear Maddie. I promise! And anytime you need it, I will be more than happy to sing to you. Maybe we'll stick to our favorite Bob Marley song, perhaps we'll branch out to some other songs, I'll take your lead Miss Maddie. Whatever you want to hear, I'll sing it for you! I love you so very much!

Love and kisses,
Aunt Beth

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